Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hi Friends!

I am not entirely sure where all that time went, but I think it is now safe to say, I am back in the blogging business. For reals this time. Really. Things are in order and I am excited to get back into the hang of things. -- I did have a mini freak out over the new blogger layout situation, but thankfully I figured out how to change it back to normal and I now feel complete again. I hate it when they do that to us.

So in celebration of getting things back to "normal," how about a little bitty update? With detailed posts soon to come, of course.

The little foot kicking my ribs is reminding me to tell you that I am now 29 weeks along. (!!) Which absolutely blows my mind. We are kicking and hiccuping and full force punching over here. Let it be known that little baby Oliver is already excited to join us in the real world just as soon as he can. (Which can't seem to come fast enough for this mama.) As the weather slowly creeps towards 100, this belly gets bigger, and I seem to get hot flashes and swollen feet as a welcoming gift. Have I mentioned the eating? Sometimes I think getting hooked up to a food iv would be easier than taking the time to consume as much food as I do. But as we get settled into this third trimester we are getting things ready for a new little boy to join us. ----- Okay, maybe we haven't actually gotten that much done. Staring at the list for the hospital bag is a start, right? I'm hoping one day soon I get the time, and the energy, to get things really situated for our little one.

In other news...... okay so there isn't any other news. We have been consumed by baby these past 6 1/2 months and I think its safe to say that not much else has really changed. But I do have stories and breakdowns and adventures to share. So please stay tuned :) And I promise it won't be another 3 months from now..


  1. welcome back! I look forward to your updates! you have such a sweet blog :)

  2. I must say I love the pronunciation guide to your name it reminds me of this is Ashley and Ashleeeeeeeee together they are Ashleigh
