Tuesday, March 1, 2011

a few things you probably didnt know about me.

hello friends.
happy first day of march!
this month is going to be quite wonderful and I for one cannot WAIT for so many things.

but i thought i would start you off with a few things you probably didnt know about me.

1. i took karate when i was little. i thought i was cool.
but my teacher had clown feet and he scared the death out of me.

2. i am allergic to most fruits and vegetables.
here's the freaky part.. only if they are RAW.
i'm a freak.

3. when i laugh hysterically, i get this deep husky of a laugh.
and husband never fails to make fun of me.
but, its how you know that i am genuinely laughing.

4. i married my high school love.
{more coming up on that story soon since it IS our anniversary month}

5. i can't whistle.

happy tuesday and first of march!
i for one need this to be a good day.
this week is going to be a long one.


  1. I love looking at your blog ashlee

  2. so weird about the fruits and vegetables. i'm likin' your blog, btw.

  3. I love your blog- you are adorable! So neat that you took karate and I can't whistle either;-)
