Thursday, March 3, 2011


why you ask?
well, i will tell you why!

1 - for one, it is finally THURSDAY, which means tomorrow is friday.
and then it is saturday.
and when that happens, i will be one very happy camper.
{whatever that means}

2 - the cherry blossom trees are starting! they are soooooooooo pretty..
i think i got a cheesy smile on my face earlier when i saw the first one.
dont care.

3 - miss lynn did such a wonderful "favorite things" post for us!

4 - i bought my ticket to go to oregon next month!
for THIS lovelies wedding. so excited!

5 - my sister in law is a wonderful baby maker and about to pop!
her due date is in a week and we all are so anxious to meet baby zoey!

6 - when i hear this song or see this video, i get so unbelievably giddy.
i want to stop what i'm doing and dance dance.
don't you?!

jordan said i have been very "drone-like" all week.
and guess what? its because i am exhaaaauuusted from working.
sorry hubs!

oh! and i'm giddy because it is almost our anniversary :)
which means a mini vaca is in our very near future!


  1. Love that song so much! Girl you have lots to be giddy about :) You have a lovely blog!
    Natasha xo

  2. So jealous that you're seeing some cherry blossoms already... I'm yearning for spring but haven't seen too many signs of it around here yet! And I love that Florence and the Machine song!
