Saturday, March 5, 2011

these are a few of {kelseys} favorite things:

you are about to meet a very favorite friend of mine.
her name is kelsey.
me, my husband, and her husband went to school together.
they got married a year before us.
i cannot get enough of her.
go to her blog, now!

my husband.
hot chai on a cold day, cold chai on a hot day.
my family, they are my best friends.
music, even better live music.
scaulding hot baths, sometimes with bubbles.
yummy smells—coffee, eucalyptus and spearmint, viva la juicy.
my adorable nieces and nephews.
nail polish.
the leaves during fall, absolutely breathtaking.
foot rubs.
mini dance parties with my girl friends.
good books.
bows—on headbands, skirts, shirts, belts, nails, etc.
lilies (especially calla lilies).
cafĂ© rio’s pork salads.

thanks kels!

1 comment:

  1. i most definitely will, love the back story on how you two met! great grid and faves. to kill a mockingbird is my favorite book/movie EVER.

    cheers girls! ♥
