you guys, its almost swimsuit season.
and while i'd like to say i've never had a problem with this before.
i've noticed my ba-donk-a-donk has seemed rather larger lately.
(apparently marriage agrees with me all too well)
i need to get my butt into gear and prepare.
i am soooo bad with working out.
i need like a little challenge to take part in.
anyone want to do it with me?
lets stare swimsuit season right in the face and say..."...!!"
jk, i got nothin.
but still, who's lazy like me and wants to join in this little fest of
please say yes.
I'll totally do it with you! I am the worst with working out. I'm hoping now that my husband wants to do Yoga with me, I'll get back in the habit. But seriously, I'll totally do this with you.