Monday, May 16, 2011


yes, i just made up a new word.
bravo for that.
but thats exactly what i am - anxietious.
you see, i work for a bank.
and i am basically on call every day during the week between 8 and 10 am.
do you know what this means?
it means i have to wake up at 7:30 and be ready in case they call me.
not only that, but i sit here having anxiety attacks that my phone might go off.
every little noise, my heart jumps and i think "awww maaaan.. i have to work."
i never know.
then, once it starts getting closer to 10 i think "oooh maybe i dont work today!"
and then guess what?
yep, they call 10 minutes to 10.
so here i am, it's 8:47 and no phone call yet,
thinking maybe i'll make some breakfast.
BUT i always fear that once i start doing something my phone will ring.
so i sit here, on the computer, killing time, hoping my phone wont ring.

being a grown up is hard sometimes.
do you like your job?


  1. sometimes I like it, but mainly when I get my paycheck....

    my first giveaway :)

  2. love my job-specially since they give me free rent and utilities :)

  3. My job is ok. I've been here for way too long though. Only 2 more months and then I'm all done with it. Being on call at a job like that would be awful!

  4. I used to work at a bank - now I wish I still did because I loved the work I did (just not the people I worked with LOL). Being on call sounds very nerve wracking :( I hate that for you.
    Hope you weren't called in!

  5. I hear ya! I work at a bakery and I have to be there at 6:15 am, it's about 45 mins away, so I get up at 5 am. Growing up isn't as much fun as it looks like!

  6. That is just cruel...I actually really like my job at the moment. I just wish I had more hours. Working with kids is draining but good :D

  7. YUCK! I can't imagine that. I don't think I would handle that very well at all. I work an 8-5 schedule and my job is ok. It has it's ups and downs. Wishing you tons of "no call" days!

  8. whaaaaaat? how dare they do that to you my beautiful friend! i mean, how exactly does that work? it makes no sense to me, why don't they implement a scheduled day for everyone, it's only fair. i'd have made a word like that up with a few other curse additions at the end of it too, man alive! ♥
