Saturday, June 11, 2011

a heart-felt post by a heart-felt girl.

i know, its not usual for me to get all personal and what not on this blog of mine. maybe i get nervous, because its all out there for the world to see. but see as how i've had lots of time to think to myself lately, i find myself dreaming and pondering. especially about the future. especially, what i could do to improve my life. or what i could do to improve myself... or.. basically anything.

lately i've been on a future kick. i think about jordan and myself and where we'll be or where we'll end up. i know that you can't predict the future (maybe you can. if so, please share!) but lately i cant help but feel like we are meant for something great. example, we live in beautiful st george utah. and yes i love it with all my heart. so much in fact, everytime i've moved away, i end up right back here. i dont know if its a feeling of comfort to come back, or a fear of change. but lately, as far as the future goes, i'm thinking that one day we will live in an amazing city where we have so much opportunity at our fingertips. i know that one day i will have a dream job and jordan will be my handsome husband-the-high-school-teacher. seriously, i picture these things in my mind and they are so vivid and clear and exciting and.. comforting.

maybe my life is about to change and i can sense it. maybe i hope for change. or maybe.. i just have to much free time on my hands. either way, i'm ready for this exciting future of ours. and i hope to do anything i can in order to get there safe.


i wrote this thursday afternoon.
then put it on hold to go to dinner with my lovely grandparents.
woke up friday morning sick as a dog.
seriously, there was a virus eating my insides and it was not okay.
but my sweet SWEET husband took excellent care of me.
and if its possible i love him a little more than pre-stomach virus.

hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
i'll keep you updated on "the changes" :)


  1. Do keep us updated. That's so cool that you get excited about the future and change. I hate change. I have to remind myself that sometimes it's good and that I can handle it. But when you're poor college students the future can be pretty exciting. So I'm excited for you guys.

  2. awe Ashlee, you are so hearted by me! i can see that this future kick is giving you momentum and i know whatever you two get up to it'll be full of wonderfuls. as always i wish you the best, you deserve nothing less. xo ♥
