Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Let's compare, shall we?

Week 17. I had just gotten past being nauseous. All. The. Time. This was taken when I was in Oregon visiting my lovely mom and she threw me a little baby show while I was in town. When I was on the plane getting ready to land for my visit I felt this little tapping inside my stomach. At first I thought it was gas (yes, I'm going there.. gas) but then later that night I was sitting on the couch with a full bag of dried mango's and I felt it again. It was the tiniest little feeling, but I knew it was my baby. Needless to say, I felt all warm and happy inside. Oh, this weekend is also when I started feeling my stomach doing this upside down turny thing, which wasn't very comfortable... couple weeks later came to realize those were contractions. Or practice contractions rather. And I'm just telling you now, yes they get worse as the weeks go by. And yes, I'm one of those lucky ones that tends to feel every tightening, tensing, evolving thing going on in there. When some ladies tell me all they feel is their stomach get hard for a minute or two, I want to punch them. Just sayin.

Week 25. First, let me just put it out there, yes you are correct this is the same picture as my little circle one on the left. Now lets move on. This week I was well into my second trimester and hey, feeling pretty darn good. And loving things like popsicles, mac and cheese, bean burritos, trail mix and carrots with ranch. Glad this little boy threw some vegetables in there, otherwise I'd be worried. And I won't mention my need for vanilla coke. Which yes, I absolutely hated before pregnancy. And yes, I'll admit that I have had some every now and then. Do you know what happens when you deny a pregnant woman something she absolutely has to have? youdontwanttoknow.

Little boy sits verrryyyy low in my stomach. So lucky me, I still sort of have a waist. Sort of. But you know what has completely baffled me about pregnancy? The things random people say to you. Really, some very good, while others I'm sure are confused by the idiotic look on my face. Sometimes I am completely baffled and just sit there for longer than a few seconds with a blank look trying to figure out something to say to this person, that isn't rude. And I'll be the first to admit, my patience level? It has completely plummeted. You should see my road rage.

So now I am 29 weeks. And will do another update next week for 30 weeks and hopefully keep up from there on. Weird to think that my doctor appointments are every 2 weeks now, and this little one is coming faster than I could have imagined. And I cannot wait for that day.


  1. You are so darling! I love your style and sweet smile in both pictures! Is it bad that I sometimes have road rage and i'm 100 percent not pregnant? Haha:)

  2. You should do a post on the crazy things people have said to you, that would be hilarious.
