Monday, February 21, 2011


Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Dear friends,

       I have decided to do a new little segment called "these are a few of my favorite things." I have asked a few guests to post on what their favorite things are. AND if you would like to participate, simply email your post to:

        You can have as many things as you'd like, and include pictures! I think this will be so fun to involve everyone and learn about all the fabulous things you guys love. I will start this sometime next week so you have some time to put it together. I will post little reminders as it gets closer.

psss: I have some amazing guests planned, you WANT to be included!


  1. yeah, we are moving on saturday. we'll most likely give you guys a call ha. oh and im might want to be a guest on your blog :) love that little 'favorite things' banner. SO cute!

  2. how cute! definitely be sending you an email on this one

  3. so excited!!!!! i'm having a hard time playing it week lades. HUZZAH
