Tuesday, February 22, 2011


i may have already told you before,
but husband discovered this book called CLEAN.
it is pretty much a cleanse for your body but still getting your necessary calories.
he liked the sound of it so much, he decided we are going to give it a try.
well.. not try, but go all out and succeed.
we will start march 1st, and i'm just giving a little forewarning
to the bloggy world.
i get real cranky when i'm hungry.
and when i'm pmsing.
which will just be an added bonus.
and i already promised hubface i wouldnt complain to him.
dang it.
so you may have stories coming forth about yucky shakes
and lack of chocolate in my system.

the good news is.. this next week i am going to stuff my little face with as much
good-ness my belly can handle.
which, i'm really thrilled about actually.

have you guys ever done any kind of cleanse before?
how did you do?


  1. Never a cleanse.. but excited to see you succeed in yours.

    ps. Im a new here to Lady ashlee. ♥
