Wednesday, February 23, 2011


one of our favorite burger places in town is smash burger.
tonight we were on that side of town and decided to stop in and enjoy some.
dont mind hubface, he wouldnt stop moving. he's tired.

and then i danced.


  1. oh ashlee....giiiiiiirrrrrrl! i wanna dance party in the car with you so bad my insides ache!!!!

    you two are the funnest couple alive. love it and good gosh the burger and fries look so good too. poor hubs, my fidgety fella does the same thing when he's tired, what up with that?! xo ♥

  2. You must love to dance as much as I do! My wedding is going to be ALLLLLL about dancing! I cant wait! We are starting the dancing by playing "Just Dance"-Lady Gaga when we enter the reception and I am hoping everybody will join!
