Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear husband,

i really like it when you do an impression of little elly. somehow it seems to fit her perfectly at that moment. and that voice? makes my stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

i also really like it when you cuddle with me in the middle of the night. it almost makes up for the talking to me in your sleep and the waking me up part.

and i like that you let me play video games with you even tho you know i'm terrible at them.

and i love your beard.

and you know what else? i love that its almost been a year now that i've been able to call you "husband." that especially, makes my heart dance a little.

thank you for being a wonderful husband.

♥ your wifey


  1. ya'll are a cute couple! Very sweet! I'm lovin' your blog, Ashlee!
    -God bless
