Friday, March 18, 2011

fun facts friday.

yep. i just decided to start a friday tradition.

fun facts.
fun facts friday.
every friday i am going to tell you 5 things that you probably dont know about me.
kinda like i did right HERE.
buuuut.. if you guys want to play along you can comment with 5 things about you as well!
or just link up.
i love both.
ready? kgo.

1- my favorite color is greeeeeeen. happy green.
i was glad for st patricks day yesterday because i was allowed to wear my green
tights to work without any funny looks.
well.. i still kinda got the funny looks.

2- i will only eat the orange jelly beans.
personally, i think all those other ones are pointless.

3- i love elderly people.
seriously, apparently i've always been that way.
my grandma said when i was little i liked our neighbor more than my actual grandpa because
he had the gray hair and the "grandpa" look.

4- i have very tiny feet and tiny hands.
really though, if you ever meet me, you may think i stole them from a child.

5- when i was little i used to think that Drag Racing was when
men dressed up as women and raced cars.
makes sense, right?

happy friday!


  1. I am COMPLETELY with you on number 5!!

  2. awe, love your fun facts. sweet little baby hands and feets is what, adorable. gimme some green insp, i wanna see pics of those tights and how you styled them, bet you rocked it. ♥

  3. 1. My favorite color is also green.
    2. My favorite holiday is st. Pattys day
    3. Im obsessed with Johnny Cash and Elvis
    4. I wish I lived in the 50s
    5. I am a terrible dancer but love to dance.

    Ps. That grandpa also used to never call my dad grandpa because he didnt look like one but you LOVED grandpa head next door haha!
