Thursday, March 17, 2011

why yes, getting a fancy schmancy computer makes me feel more like a grown up.

can't you tell?

don't worry that the computer makes my face all shiny.
i promise it doesnt always look like that. oh, and my hair too.

that first set, i wanted to see what it would look like if i was dancing.
how about, pretty awesome?

*ps: we bought an imac last night. thats why i feel more adult-like.


  1. I got a macbook Pro this year...only because my other laptop got stolen. it is soooo much fun :D

  2. im jealous. oh and i feel like we arent friends anymore ha ha. i feel like its been ages lets hang out with the husbands soon eh?

  3. I'm slightly jealous of your imac. Jason has a macbook that I "borrow" frequently :)
