Tuesday, March 22, 2011

he liked it so he put a ring on it

october 4th, 2009 we were in Pine Valley at jordans grandparents cabin,
everyone decided we should go on a walk and get out of the house.
i agreed to go on a walk, the two of us walked around the lake.
it was really cold outside but so beautiful.
he started telling me the story of how his great grandfather proposed to his great grandmother,
which was also in pine valley,
he told me that his grandfather had carved it in a tree and basically demanded that
they should be married.
and then he said, "its this tree right here.."
i couldn't believe him so i climbed up to where he was pointing and saw it.


oh yeah, and then i started crying the happiest tears of my life.
and we were engaged.

and then we had what seemed like the longest engagement in the history of engagements.


  1. That is the sweetest story! Oh my goodness, I just cried happy tears for you.

  2. That is such a sweet story! I love how he proposed to you! Was the story about his grandparents real, or did he just want you to look?

  3. the story of his grandparents is true. except it wasn't that tree. he actually tried to find it but had no luck.

  4. tears welling up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after the longest word verification in history, dude the thing was something like: onverskaleshon or something. what?! nonono, had to get here and see this amazing picture story. and omg, i had no idea this was how Jordan proposed. he is some kinda wonderful! the whole way he thought it out and brought you to the same spot (or thereabouts) as his great grandparents - i melted on the spot. big pile o' mush and lovin' it total. this was worth the palps and the blur to come back and see. thanks for sharing your specialist day doll. i don't think i'll be able to take the cuteness when you two have a baby. i may be in bed ridden bliss for days. ♥

  5. lynn, when we have a baby you better be down to see the little one! wouldn't want it any other way!

  6. I though I recognized Pine Valley! haha..How cute and beautiful is your story. :) It's seriously adorable. I think us girls who spell our names ASHLEE get the best fairytales :)

  7. oh you betcha lades! down and up and sideways, i would smoosh that little babe up with mass love like an angel on earth. xo ♥
