Thursday, March 24, 2011

the day before..

march 26th i was able to go through the temple,
and it was beautiful and wonderful and... words cannot describe the feelings i felt.

afterwards, we had our luncheon at 25 main,
which may look familiar from this post HERE.
our friends and family came to celebrate and it was filled with so much fun and love.
i wish we had more pictures from the lunch but my mind was filled with so many things!

that night i couldn't sleep for the life of me.
my mind was racing and the butterflies in my stomach made sure i knew they were there.
i was so excited, anxious, nervous, and just beyond happy.
i had waited for this for 6 months.
well, if i'm being honest... 3 1/2 years.
and it was finally here..

1 comment:

  1. I love your dress! I was able to go through a week before we got married. It was nice to stretch it out so that weekend wasn't so overwhelming. These wedding posts are fantastic! That 25 main place looks delicious. If I'm ever in St. George, I'm eating there.
